This will be a forum for ideas (old and new), musings, opinions (mostly mine), thoughts, dreams, reactions and favorite things (totally mine). The Kitchen Sink refers to the place I am standing when my thoughts take on a life of their own, where I am most creative and where I can dream in color. The window at my kitchen sink affords me an almost endless view of green and trees and wonder. Thank you for turning on the water!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Random Love (A Valentine's Day disclaimer)

How random is it all? Love and all the emotions that go with it. The euphoria, the butterflies in your stomach, the sheer, maddening heartache of being apart from your true love, the pure devotion and intense feelings of wholeness and being complete with another human being. Most of us can relate to these feelings because we've been there once, twice or many more times than that. Did you ever stop to think about the pure randomness of being in love? Not the love you have for your children, parents, friends, dogs or Woody Allen movies but romantic love. Today you are in love with someone who you met on a plane or in college 30 years ago or the brother of your high school track rival or your boss or his boss or the woman who hit your car or the french waiter on the Left Bank or a cute guy on -- you get it, right?
Ponder this - what if you didn't meet your "true love" and met someone else, your boss' secretary or your biology lab partner in college or your second pick on It's all so random and based on time, place, fate and circumstance. We could be "in love" with a multitude of people , completely by random chance and we wouldn't ever know the person we are "in love" with right now!  Any great stories out there?


  1. Happy Valentine Week -
    Ya know, the Holy One gave me an assignment many years ago - to look at people (every person I see) and think "I Love You" - I wasn't to say anything out loud - AND - i was to be doing this as a favor to the Divine. (I was to be thinking this for the Eternal One.) What a brilliant exercise - it eventually changed me - from the inside out . . and now - i wonder if LOVE isn't a decision . . what do you think?

  2. Absolutely! I think love is a decision and happiness is a decision. That sounds like a great exercise that could be life changing (as it was for you).
    I think I'll give it a try....thanks!
