This will be a forum for ideas (old and new), musings, opinions (mostly mine), thoughts, dreams, reactions and favorite things (totally mine). The Kitchen Sink refers to the place I am standing when my thoughts take on a life of their own, where I am most creative and where I can dream in color. The window at my kitchen sink affords me an almost endless view of green and trees and wonder. Thank you for turning on the water!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

In a blink

I recently sat in front of a young family on a plane to Florida where I soon discovered the parents and two young children were going to visit their grandfather and take a trip to Disney World. As I listened to the sweet voice of what I guessed to be a three-year-old and the fussy cries of an infant, less than one year of age, I was struck and saddened by the growing frustration of the young mother. Her husband was oblivious to her exasperation (that's another observation for another post) and useless in helping her manage her inquisitive toddler. Mommy dearest told the little boy he could not eat until the plane took off, she told him that the pilot would stop the plane and ask him to get off if he used his toy cell phone. She told him that if he didn't stop talking (he said the cutest things in a "phone call" to his grandpa) the trip to Disney World would be cancelled and that they would go right home. I really wasn't worried about Junior. The little boy will grow up just fine and understand his mother's limitations and pet peeves. He will adapt and learn how to keep her calm and how to push her buttons. I was so sad for the mother. That little boy will grow up in a blink and fly away from her nest and she may not ever appreciate that every moment is precious. She should have  fun and laugh with her children, be silly and giggle, hug and kiss them and stop micro managing. Set rules, find teachable moments and just relax and enjoy those babies. My baby (almost 19) left for college this Fall and I can't say I ever regretted a moment of my time with him, at every age and stage. I look forward to his next milestone and my sheer joy in being his mother.

1 comment:

  1. oooh, how nice to read from the perspective of a MOM who LOVES her children. i didn't have that gift growing - but, thanks to gentle reminders from souls like you - I've learned to share the qualities of Love with the people i meet . . .

    Happiest Day to You!
